

Datasets have metadata fields that you'll want to complete to make it more discoverable and useful. The dataset abstract is required, but the rest of the documentation is optional and will be hidden to the public when empty. You can edit any of these sections by clicking on them in the dataset editor.

This metadata can be viewed on the dataset page and also downloaded in different formats. If your organization has configured DOIs this metadata will also populate the DOI listing.

Populating metadata


The abstract is limited to 256 characters and will show up in previews and search results for the dataset. This should be a concise, high-level summary of this dataset.


This section is intended to display information about where this dataset came from and how it came to be in its current form. Redivis will auto-populate fields where possible but you can add additional information or override it.

Dataset creator

This field should be the individual(s) or organization(s) responsible for creating the content of this dataset. This will be linked with the appropriate ORCID iD or ROR if the individual or organization has attached them to their Redivis account. You can also include individuals and organizations that don't have Redivis accounts and include their identifier.


This field is to attribute the work that different individuals have done to get the dataset into its current state. Redivis will automatically add anyone who edits the dataset to this field. If they have attached their ORCID iD to their Redivis account, that linkage will be shown as well. The contributor type options are aligned with DataCite standards.

This field is for linking other identifiers (URLs or DOIs) that are relevant to this dataset. The related identifier type options are aligned with DataCite standards.


This field will show the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) for this version of this dataset if your organization is configured to issue DOIs.

Citation instructions

If this dataset must be cited in a specific way, you can make that clear in this field.

Methodology and Usage notes

These documentation sections are intended for more extensive information and can contain formatted text and images. These will be indexed for the Redivis dataset search.

Supporting files

Files of any type and up to 100MB can be uploaded to the dataset page where anyone with access can download them. These should not contain any data for this dataset, as access to them is managed separately.

Links can be added with display names to direct someone to another URL with more information.


This is where you can add the license information about your dataset's redistribution policies. If this data is governed by a common redistribution license you can select it here from the menu of standard licenses. If you want to reference a license that isn't listed here you can include the link, or upload a custom license. This will be displayed on the dataset front page to let others know how they can use your data. This information will be included on the dataset's DOI.

Do you think a common license is missing? Contact us to let us know what you'd like to see here.


If this dataset was funded by an institution you'd like to recognize, this is the section where you can include information about funder(s). You'll need the funding organization's name and ROR, as well as an award number if applicable. You can add multiple funders to each dataset. This information will be included on the dataset's DOI.


This section should be used to let someone viewing this dataset know how to get in touch if there is any issue or question.

Custom sections

You can create documentation sections with their own titles and assign them custom access levels.

By default, all dataset documentation is visible to anyone with overview access to the dataset. However, there may be some content in the documentation that is sensitive — for example, information about named variables that would require metadata access.

To protect this information you can create a custom documentation section with a more restrictive access level. Users without the appropriate level of access will only see a placeholder for that section of the documentation.


In addition to documentation, you may add up to 25 tags to your dataset, which will help researchers discover and understand the dataset.

Other metadata

Additionally, information about the dataset's size and temporal range will be automatically computed from the metadata on its tables. Additional table documentation, as well as the variable metadata, will be indexed and surfaced as part of the dataset discovery process.


The information on the usage tab of the dataset page is automatically generated based on how researchers are working with the dataset on Redivis.


Basic information about this dataset's usage

  • Views: How many times this dataset page was loaded. These are only counted for logged-in users, and a user is only recounted after 1hr of not viewing the dataset.

  • Projects: How many projects include this dataset.

  • Featured projects: How many projects featured by organizations include this dataset.

Variable usage

The featured table shows all variables across all tables in this dataset sorted by their popularity. This popularity is calculated based on the number of times that variable is referenced when this table is used in projects. This takes into account joining on a variable, propagating it downstream in transforms, and querying it directly.

Last updated