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A study represent a group of collaborators working on a common research initiative. Studies can interact with multiple datasets and create many workflows as they explore their investigation. Studies consist of multiple users, one of whom must be assigned as the principle investigator (PI).
From an administrative perspective, studies are particularly useful for their ability to avoid duplicated work in members' access requests, and to separate investigation-level access requirements from individual access requirements. For example, you may require an IRB approval to work with a particular dataset, which is generally granted to a group of researchers conducting a particular study.
Any studies which have applied for a requirement will appear in your organization's list of studies — like members, pending requests will show an alert notification.
You can learn more about creating study requirements in the requirements reference.
Double click on any study to view more information about that study and respond to any access requests. On the study overview tab, you can see a list of all collaborators on a given study, the description of the study, and information about recent study activity.
The workflows tab of the study will show all workflows that have been assigned to that studies. Researchers must assign their workflows to an approved study in order to work with datasets that have study requirements.
The datasets tab of the study will show all datasets that that study is currently working with. Collaborators on the study will still need to gain access to these datasets based on their access configuration.
The requirements tab of a study functions similarly to the member requirements tab. It lists all approved requirements for that study as well as any pending requests. Administrators can also fill out and approve additional requirements on behalf of that study.