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As administrators and members work with the organization and it's data all actions and assets are logged and recorded. Redivis makes all of this information available to organization administrators for use in generating report tables and visualizations.
When creating a report you can choose what information is included and how it is filtered or aggregated. Once all required fields are selected, creating the report will generate a table and visual based on your selections. From there it is easy to edit the criteria and iteratively make a report you are happy with.
Below is a more detailed dive into each selection criteria.
This defines the main topic of your report. You can choose between resources and usage events.
Resources represent named items on Redivis with a relationship to your organization. They do not contain historical or ongoing time frame information (other than attributes such as the "last edited" date).
All Redivis users who have ever applied for membership to your organization.
All studies on Redivis which have submitted a study requirement for your organization's approval.
All workflows on Redivis that contain a dataset owned by your organization.
All datasets owned by your organization.
All tables that are part of all datasets owned by your organization.
Usage events represent a single action or event taken in time.
All usage events
A summation of all query, notebook, and export events, detailed below.
You can set a filter based on the entity selected which will narrow the resulting report down to only resources or usage events that meet the filter criteria.
When a usage event is chosen as the entity of the report you will need to select what time frame you want to see events from.
Note that every time the report is opened it will refresh results. So if you select "Past 7 days" as your time frame you will get different results opening the report today as you will opening it next week.
When an usage event is chosen as the entity of the report you have the option to aggregate your results. By default every row in the resulting report table will represent a single event but you can change that to be grouped by time or resources.
For example if you want to create a report to see queries in the past year, it might make sense to aggregate all queries by day. With this aggregation criteria you would have 365 rows in your report table with a count associated with each, rather than thousands of queries.
You might also want to aggregate on a resource, e.g. if you want to see a count of notebooks sessions for each dataset you would aggregate by dataset.
You can also aggregate by a member label or dataset label. This will be most effective if you use colons when creating your labels to indicate a subgrouping (e.g. school:medicine, school:business). When you generate a report you can choose to aggregate by the top level group (e.g. school), generating results where each row in the report represents one sub-category you've defined (e.g. medicine, business, etc), including a category for "none" if applicable.
This is how you will select what fields or topics are present in the report. Every field selected here will become a column in your resulting report table. Different fields are available based on what entity you have selected.
For each entity some identifying fields are mandatory, and other basic fields are selected by default and can be cleared if they aren't relevant to your report.
If there are any fields or other report information you would like but don't see available in the interface, please contact us to let us know!
Once a report is configured and created/saved, a table will be generated with records matching the report configuration.
Any time you make updates to the report criteria or come back to this report after more than one hour has elapsed, the table will be regenerated. You can also manually refresh the table by clicking on the ⋮
menu next to the displayed time frame.
You can download this table as a csv at any time by pressing the Download button.
If your report contains any numeric field types you can quickly visualize them by clicking the Visualize tab on this page.
Based on the entity selected and aggregation type you will see either a bar chart or line graph. You can interact with this visual by hovering on different points to get more information about each event.
Any query run on Redivis that references your organization's data. This includes transform runs, interactive queries, and API queries and corresponds to the .
Any notebook session on Redivis that references your organization's data. This corresponds to the .
Any export made on Redivis that references your organization's data. This corresponds to the .