Quotas and limits

Redivis has limits in place to protect systems and guide correct usage. Some of these limits are more flexible than others, please contact us if your specific use case is affected by these limits.

  • Max versions: 1,000

  • Max tables: 1,000

  • Max unstructured data files: 100M

  • Max unstructured data file size (per-file): 5TB

  • Max documentation supporting file size: 100MB

  • Naming rules:

    • Name length: Between 3 and 80 characters

    • The escaped name (lowercase, collapse all non-alphanumeric characters to "_") must be unique across all datasets in the organization. If dataset is owned by a user, must also be unique across all projects owned by that user.

  • Max monthly export: 100GB (unless your organization has configured a custom egress project)

  • Max export sizes:

    • CSV: 1TB

    • SAV: 10GB

    • DTA: 10GB

    • AVRO: 1GB

    • NDJSON: 100GB

    • Parquet: 1GB

  • Max concurrent notebooks, per user: 5

  • Naming rules:

    • Name length: Between 1 and 80 characters

    • The escaped name (lowercase, collapse all non-alphanumeric characters to "_") must be unique across all transforms in the project.

  • Max datasets per organization: 10,000

  • Max members per organization: 10,000

  • Max transforms + notebooks: 1,000

  • Max values per list: 10,000

  • Naming rules:

    • Name length: Between 3 and 80 characters

    • The escaped name (lowercase, collapse all non-alphanumeric characters to "_") must be unique across all datasets and projects owned by the user.

  • Max concurrent queries, per user: 5

  • Max queued queries, per user: 1,000

  • Max query duration: 6 hours

  • Max query output size: 10GB compressed (often >10GB)

  • Max query string length: 1M characters

  • Max query compute seconds: 100k

  • Max total query compute seconds (per 24hrs): 5M

  • Max size: 100TB

  • Max row size: 100MB

  • Max variables: 9,990 (across all versions of the table)*

  • Max description length: 5,000

  • Naming rules:

    • Name length: Between 1 and 80 characters

    • Disallowed names: _source_

    • The escaped name (lowercase, collapse all non-alphanumeric characters to "_") must be unique across tables in the associated dataset / project.

* While Redivis supports up to 9,990 variables per table, we strongly recommend restructuring your data to have fewer variables if possible. Such "wide" tables will generally be less performant and harder for researchers to navigate and query compared to "tall" tables with a few variables and many records.

  • Max steps per transform: 100

  • Max concurrent transforms, per user: 5

  • Max generated SQL query string length: 1M characters

  • Max per-query compute seconds: 1M

  • Max transform output size: 1TB

  • Naming rules:

    • Name length: Between 1 and 80 characters

    • The escaped name (lowercase, collapse all non-alphanumeric characters to "_") must be unique across all notebooks in the project.

  • Max uploads per table, per version: 500*

  • Max file sizes, tabular uploads

    • Delimited (csv, tsv, etc.): 5TB**

    • jsonl, json, geojson, geojsonl, kml, xlsx: 5TB**

    • SAS(.sas7bdat): 5TB**

    • Avro, Parquet, ORC: 5TB

    • shp, shp.zip, Stata(.dta), SPSS(.sav), Excel(xls, xlsx): 100GB

  • Max file size, unstructured data files: 5TB

* Depending on the length of variable names, the actual limits for max uploads may be lower. In general, the total length of all variable names cannot exceed 185,000 characters, and the total number of variables multiplied by the total number of uploads (for a single version of the table) cannot exceed 400,000. If either of these limits are reached, the upload will fail with an accompanying error message. ** The 5TB limit applies to the final size of a file after decompression (for gzipped delimited files) and/or conversion (e.g., SAS files are converted to CSV before final import, shapefiles are converted to geojsonl; the final file must be less than 5TB).

  • Max label length: 256

  • Max description length: 5,000

  • Value labels:

    • Value length cannot exceed 32 characters

    • Label length cannot exceed 256 characters

    • Total length cannot exceed 1M characters (sum of all values + labels)

  • Naming rules:

    • Name length: Between 1 and 60 characters

    • Only alphanumeric, "_" are allowed. Cannot begin with a number.

    • Must be unique within its table (casing ignored)

Last updated