The datasets section of the organization administrator panel provides a comprehensive list of all your organizations datasets. This includes any unpublished and unreleased datasets.
You can click the + New dataset button to create a new dataset, or double click on any dataset to edit that dataset and its access configuration.
Dataset labels
You can label your datasets by right clicking on any dataset or selected group of datasets on the Datasets list. You can see existing labels for each dataset by showing the additional column on the list, or filter the list of datasets down to only one matching your selected label.
When creating labels, you can use a colon (e.g., school:medicine, school:business) to group information for reporting. When generating a report, the high level grouping before the colon (e.g. school) will be an option for aggregation.
Issuing DOIs
In order to issue DOIs for your organization's datasets, you must first provide DataCite credentials under Settings -> Advanced. If your organization is part of an institution, and that institution has provided credentials, you may alternatively choose to utilize your institution's DataCite repository for issuing DOIs.
DOI lifecycle
DataCite DOIs can have one of three states: draft
, registered
, and findable
. Draft DOIs can be deleted at any time, but once they are moved to a registered
or findable
state, a DOI is permanent. The only difference between registered
and findable
DOIs is that external systems and crawlers will more easily find and index the metadata associated with findable
When a dataset is first created, a DOI is initially created in a draft
state. If the dataset is deleted before its first version is released, the draft DOI will be deleted. However, once a version of a dataset has been released, its DOI is permanent. If the dataset is publicly discoverable (overview access is public), the DOI will be set to findable
, otherwise it will simply be registered
. If the dataset is deleted, Redivis will persist a "tombstone page" that will allow links to the DOI to continue to work.
DOI metadata
DOIs are more than just persistent identifiers — they are accompanied by rich metadata that allows other tools to surface your datasets and link them to the broader body of academic work. Every field on the dataset page maps to corresponding entries in the DataCite metadata; you can view these metadata by clicking Metadata -> DataCite on the right of the "Overview" section of the dataset page. Redivis will automatically sync the DataCite metadata whenever your dataset is updated.
A note on metadata and access:
Redivis will only ever publish metadata to DataCite that is publicly visible. This means that if your dataset is completely hidden from public view, no metadata will be propagated to DataCite (including the dataset's name). Instead, a placeholder mentioning that "This dataset has been hidden from public view" will be used in place.
While this situation isn't ideal, it allows DOIs to still be used for disambiguation when discussing the dataset, and provides a potential pathway for future investigators to contact the data owner.
Note that metadata associated with your dataset will automatically be updated if you change the public access level of your dataset.
DOIs and dataset versions
Redivis creates a DOI for every version of a dataset, allowing for authoritative references and reproducibility of data used in researchers' work. Per DataCite guidelines, once a dataset has more than one version, Redivis will also issue a DOI for the dataset as a whole, whose metadata will reflect the latest version of the dataset. All version DOIs will point to this canonical DOI, and also link to each other (as previous / next versions) in the DataCite metadata. This structure improves discoverability and disambiguation when referencing versioned datasets.
Discontinue or prevent DOIs
If you've uploaded your DOI issuing credentials in the Setting tab, all new datasets will by default be issued a DOI upon publishing and on every version released. If you would like to disable issuing DOIs for a specific dataset you can do so in the Setting tab of that dataset. Here you'll see a switch you can turn off to stop issuing DOIs. If the dataset is already published it will have a DOI for the dataset and all published versions that will not be removed. If you turn this switch on at any point in the future all versions will be back-issued DOIs.
Featured datasets
Featured datasets will be prominently displayed on the main page of your organization's data portal, and may rank higher in search results. To feature a dataset, right click on that dataset and change its status to featured.
Dataset labels
You can label your datasets
Bulk management
As your organization creates datasets, you may find it easier to perform certain dataset management operations in bulk. To do so, shift/cmd+click to select multiple datasets in the list, and right click to apply options to all selected datasets.
Dataset editors
If you would like to allow someone who is not an administrator of your organization to edit a dataset you can configure that in the dataset's access modal. Note that this editor can't change the access settings of this dataset nor approve access requests.
Last updated