Settings and branding


The settings section of the administrator panel allow you to customize the look and feel of your organization and configure various administrative actions.

For a deep dive into configuring a new organization, check out the Setting up an organization guide.

Public profile: customizing your home page

In the Public profile tab of the administrator Settings page, you can customize how your organization's data portal is presented to end users.

You can specify:

  • Organization name: The full name of your organization. This is distinct from your organization's username, which can be modified in the settings.

  • Custom color: Choose a brand color to customize the look and feel of the data portal. If left unspecified, will default to the Redivis brand colors.

  • Organization logo: A square image for researchers to associate you your organization. Will use a placeholder image if not assigned.

  • Cover photo: This is the banner image that will be shown on the header of the organization's data portal. Make sure to use a high-resolution image with a wide aspect ratio. If left unspecified, a thinner bar of your organization's custom color will be used.

  • Header image: If you want to control how your organization displays in the header bar, you can upload an image here. Defaults to the organization logo + name.

  • Header links: When users hover over your organization name in the header bar, these will be provided with these quick links. Useful for quick links to other related resources, such as your organization's own internal documentation or website.

  • About: A rich text editor. This content will be shown prominently on the home page of your organization's data portal.

Check out the Redivis Demo Organization to see how these various options are presented on the data portal home page.

Customize the look and feel of your organization in the "Public profile" section

Additional settings

Organization administrators, notification emails, membership configuration and more can be configures in the remaining tabs.


Account tab options include:


The unique handle of your organization.

Changing the organization username will change the URL of your organization (unless you're using a custom domain). It will also break any API references to your organization's datasets.

Generally, you should not update this username after a sizable number of researchers have started working with your organization.


By default, your organization URL will be{username}. However, Redivis supports custom domains — for example, .

Contact us to configure a custom domain!


You can add and remove administrators of your organization via the modal launched by clicking this section. Search for any member of your organization to add them as an administrator.

Note that a Redivis user must join your organization as a member before you make them an organization administrator. When made an administrator, the user will have full access to your organization's datasets and the ability to add & remove other administrators.


In order to be notified by email of new access requests, you can provide one or more email addresses here. You can configure notifications to send an email with each access request or as a daily digest.

Don't leave your researchers waiting! Unless you're checking the administrator panel regularly, it's a good idea to configure at least one email alert for new access emails.


By default, your organization will be listed publicly, so anyone can see the homepage. You hide your organization during your initial configuration if you wish.


Here you can configure how members join your organization, the first step to gaining access to restricted data in your organization. Membership configuration options include:


By default, this setting is toggled off, so all membership applications must be approved by an organization administrator. If toggled on, users may join your organization automatically by submitting a valid email authentication.

You can also choose to restrict automatic approval to certain identity providers. If you add one or more identity providers to the list, a user who submits an authentication from any of the listed identity providers will be automatically approved for organization membership – but will need manual administrator approval for a membership application submitted with authentication from any other identity provider.

Authentication timeout

When working with restricted data (that is, any data with "Data" access set to a non-"Public" configuration), members will be prompted to re-authenticate after a period of inactivity to confirm their identity. You can set that period of inactivity to 15 minutes up to 3 days.

Preferred authentication

When users submit a membership application, their default identity provider in their application will be set to this identity provider, if the user has a relevant authentication.

Export environments

If you restrict data exports to specific computational environments, you can manage and configure that set of environments here. An export environment must have a name and type (either IP address, Google BigQuery, Google Cloud Storage, Google Data Studio, or Custom location), and can optionally have a description to provide further information about the environment to researchers.

Storage locations

Generally, storing your data in the default Redivis location is the most cost-effective and secure option. However, if you need to store any of your organization's data in an external Google Cloud project (e.g., to meet certain compliance requirements), you can define those locations here.

See the Custom data storage documentation for more details.


You can delete your organization here.

Stata license

In order to enable Stata for any notebooks using your organization's data, you can provide your Stata license information here. Specifically, you'll need the license "code", "authorization", and "serial number", which should all have been provided as part of purchasing Stata.

SAS license

In order to enable SAS for any notebooks using your organization's data, you can provide your license information here. Because of how SAS handles cloud deployments, the steps to enable SAS are a bit more complicated than for Stata. Specifically, you'll need to complete the following steps:

  1. Run SAS Deployment Wizard to install SAS Studio on a supported Linux 64-bit operating system. During the installation, change the default location for the SAS Studio installation to /usr/local/SASHome.

  2. For details about how to install SAS Studio, refer to the installation and configuration instructions provided by the product.

  3. Create a TAR file that includes the SASHome directory:

    tar -czvf SASHome.tar.gz /usr/local/SASHome

Once this tar file has been created, please share it with your Redivis contact to enable SAS for your organization.

DataCite credentials

Link to your DataCite account or to your institution's account (if applicable). This linkage means that DOIs will be issued for all datasets that already exist and are created moving forward in your organization.

DOIs can only be issued through one DataCite account and repository at a time. If these credentials are updated or changed it will not affect existing DOIs, and will use the updated credentials moving forward.

Learn more about DOIs and datasets here ->

ROR identifier

Link your ROR here and it will be attached to any DOI listings created by your organization.

Data egress project

Redivis does not charge data egress fees on data exports.

There is an egress limit of 100 GB per user over a 30 day window. If you would like to remove that limit for your organization's data you can configure a GCP project to cover egress fees for your data exports. This may be free or low cost for educational institutions with an egress waiver from Google, otherwise the GCP project will be billed per Google's egress fees.

If your organization is part of an institution, you can choose to use your institution's data egress project.

Last updated